PRICE: $ 199.95 USD
NOTE: The regular price of the DP-1 is $199.95 USD. I'm not thrilled with the durability of the clear coat on these remaining pedals, however, so I've taken $50 USD off the price on this last batch only. This is a good opportunity to try one out at a discount.
Distortion Preamp Sample Settings
More is more... and less is more too. It's no accident that the DP-1 excels at both. Specifically designed to produce the lightest break-up all the way up to as much distortion and "chug" as you could ever want, the DP-1 is possibly the most capable and versatile 100% analog distortion pedal on the market. It has superb picking clarity and tracking, singing sustain, can produce both the tightest and fattest distortion you've ever heard (at the same time, if that's what you want), and you can back it off to produce a transparent grit that cleans up completely with your guitar's volume knob.
Use the DISTORTION control to push your tube amp into classic overdriven Valhalla, or crank the specially-voiced MORE control and witness your castrated solid-state amp grow a pair in front of your very own ears. You'll never complain that your distortion pedal doesn't have enough gain, enough sustain, is too thin, is too buzzy, the bass isn't tight enough, the bass isn't fat enough, doesn't have enough picking definition, or it doesn't clean up well enough, again. Set it just as you like it and the AXiom Distortion Preamp has you covered. From blues to shred, make room on your pedal board for this little savage.
Go ahead, take the red pill.
- 100% analog circuitry
The DISTORTION control produces classic levels of distortion pedal dirt. Think "grey era 250" when in "classic" mode.
- The MORE control is a specially-voiced cascaded gain stage that works with the DISTORTION stage to produce bigger, thicker distortion. Use it on its own for a thick blues sound or crank it with DISTORTION in "modern" mode for a vulgar display of metal.
- MODERN mode to stay tight even with extreme gain (Will it chug? Oh yes.) and CLASSIC mode for the looser bottom-end of vintage distortion pedals
- Sloped MID control - below 12:00 it's tuned to American scooped mids, above 12:00 it's European voiced balls to the wall.
- Individually handmade
- Matching color LED indicator so you can see which pedal is on even on a dark stage
- True bypass
- All AXiom pedals are individually handmade with manually screen printed graphics. Each pedal will have minor variations that make it unique.
The following demos were recorded direct with NO AMPLIFIER. The signal chain is:
Guitar -> AXiom DP-1 -> AXiom SCE-1 prototype (cab emulator) -> AXiom SCV-1 prototype (for stereo spread) -> interface -> DAW (reverb added, nothing else)
Demo #1: Partscaster with EMG-81 bridge pickup
Demo #2: Fender Stratocaster with Dimarzio Virtual Solo bridge pickup
Demo #3: Partscaster with EMG-81 bridge pickup
The following demos were recorded with the same setup as above but with the AXiom Power Amp Emulator (PAE-1) added to simulate power tube behaviour. The signal chain is:
Guitar -> AXiom DP-1 -> AXiom Power Amp Emulator (PAE-1) -> AXiom SCE-1 prototype (cab emulator) -> AXiom SCV-1 prototype (for stereo spread) -> interface -> DAW (reverb added, nothing else)
Demo #4: Fender Stratocaster with Dimarzio Virtual Solo bridge pickup and custom stacked neck pickup
Demo #5: Fender Stratocaster with Lindy Fralin Blues Special pickups